The QuestCast (Beta) -your goals and dreams gone public and challenged with a quest

Imagine what it would be like to hear the goals, fears and dreams of listeners like yourself, and then to have individualized quests given to embark upon over the next two weeks. Imagine then getting to hear the stories of the results of your and other listeners quests. That, in its simplist form, is The QuestCast. Each questcast episode also contains an open quest-for-all in which any listener can take up the challenge and then email, call or send an audio file back about their experience.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

First Show Released! Introducing The QuestCast 1 (Beta)

Well, thanks to a few brave souls (Queltica, Steve & Neil), The QuestCast now has its first show! Keep in mind that this is a beta cast, and that that means I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the structure, audio quality, or any other ideas you might have to offer.

Stay tuned and subscribed to find out how their quests unfold and to hear the upcoming planned "podcast personalities" show --with quests given to some of your favorite podcasters.

Get involved!
Check out the ABCs in the sidebar to find out how you can easily get on an upcoming show!

  • I've decided to give libysn a spin, I'm excited to see how that goes.
  • I apologize for the annoyingly high s and sh sounds, that will be elimated when I can afford a new microphone --which should be by the next show (feeling generous?)


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